Verse 1: GD/F#Em
God of ages, Bringing glory here CD
You are good, You are good GD/F#Em
Son of rightiousness, You are all I seek CD
With all my heart
Pre-Refrain: CEmD
Giver of life, Hope for the lost, is in You CEmD
All of the earth, Shines with Your light, Your Glory
You are the God who lives, You are the God who heals EmC
You are my hope, my everything
Verse 2: GD/F#Em
In Your promise and Your Faithfullness CD
I will trust all my days GD/F#Em
King forever, reign in majesty CD
Be Glorified
Pre-Refrain: CEmD
Giver of life, Hope for the lost, is in You CEmD
All of the earth, Shines with Your light, Your Glory
You are the God who lives, You are the God who heals EmC
You are my hope, my everything GD/F#
You brought salvation to us, Offered Your Peace to the World EmC
You are my Lord, My everything GD/F#Em
I'll trust in You, I'll trust in You, I'll trust in You C
With all my heart
Matei 5:11Ferice va fi de voi când, din pricina Mea, oamenii vă vor ocărî, vă vor prigoni şi vor spune tot felul de lucruri rele şi neadevărate împotriva voastră!